Video Transcription

Speaker 1: What up, guys and gals and whatever other type of people are out there. Anyway, I don’t know if that’s controversial or not. I’m just going to keep going. You guys know what I mean, okay? No, no … I come in peace. So I don’t know why I get worked up sometimes. Damn it. Anyways, I forgot what I’m talking about. But I’m going to keep it going. I forgot what I’m talking about. Give me a second. Give me a second. Okay.

So I want to talk to you about something that’s pretty cool and something that you guys should look for in your business, in the real estate business. Okay? You guys should always deal with the decision makers. Okay? And not to brag or anything, but we dem decision makers. We the decision maker. I want it to be cool and ghetto. Not ghetto but I want to be cool. Anyway, so we dem decision make … I don’t know why I said it again.

The cool thing about us is actually, you know, I was talking to Melvin our dispositions guy about it. So, when buyers kind of like reach out to us about a deal that we have on our list or whatever like, “Hey, what’s the lockbox? Hey, what’s the best price?” Hey, this. Hey, that. We can give them an answer really quickly, man, really quick. I made a video of me on our whiteboard over here with all the deals we have in realtime. We have a spreadsheet. We have team, all this stuff. So, it’s really cool that you can deal with us that way. But forget about us for now.

In life and especially in the real estate business, if you guys want success, deal with a decision maker. If you’re going to go buy a house, do you want to talk to the aunt or the great-aunt’s sister’s brother’s cousin’s mother-in-law’s cat’s babysitter? Or do you want to talk to the damn person who’s on title? That’s all I’m getting at here. You want to talk to the people who are the decision makers, the people who could sign the contract, the people who could sign the check, the dollars, the people who could put ink on your statement of the banco. The banco. The bank, okay? I don’t know if you guys got the joke.

But you [inaudible 00:02:20] talking to the decision makers. Not to brag, we are one. But in life, do it. It’s going to make your real estate career a shitload easier. I emphasize shitload easier, because I’ve been there, I’ve done that. I’ve gone on hundreds of appointments. I’ve done all that shit. I’ve been on the phone a bunch of times, and it’s so much easier when the person you’re talking to could actually make a decision.

So, holler at your boy. Subscribe right here, right here, right now. Right here, right now. Right here, right now. Yeah.

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