Video Transcription
Raul Bolufe: Hi guys, Raul Bolufe here. If you guys know me, awesome. If not, just tell you quick little bit about myself, and this channel, and what it’s for, and what it’s not for. So, I’ve been running this company for five years. Started it when I was 20 years old from my bed room with no experience, no money, nothing. And been able to do a couple million dollars worth of deals, and all this stuff. And this channel, right? This YouTube channel, podcast, all this information is basically my way of giving back. It’s my way of getting the things I’ve learned, all the mistakes I made, and sharing it to you so you guys don’t make it and don’t waste so much time.
It’s great. You guys can find me on YouTube for free, podcast for free. I also have a free email that’s like a strategy tip every week. It’s kind of like what we’re learning. We’re very involved in the business, so everything that we’re learning I put in a strategy tip every week. Just free stuff for you guys. And just putting out the good energy out there and if it gets put back that’s awesome. But, you guys can click below and sign up to that email. Be about once a week. Also check me out on YouTube, podcasts, [inaudible 00:01:07], Facebook, Instagram, all that stuff.
And yeah guys, enjoy the site. We have blogs. We have all that stuff. All the stuffs for free. And if you guys like it, cool. See you on the other side.